Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Essence of Muslim Volunteerism

Islam is based on sincerity, purity of human feeling & fulfillment of right and needs to every member. We as a Muslim have a mission in life; to spread the message of Islam. As a Muslim, we should be beacon of guidance and a positive source of correction and education through our both words and deeds. We practice a remarkable attitude, conduct and deal with who in contact with us with based on Islamic values and morals taught by Rasulullah SAW. Everything is done in seeking the pleasure of Allah, the exalted, while striving to attain the reward of his paradise.

Allah almighty says (what means):

“Invite mankind to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious” (Al-Quran 16:125)

Volunteerism is the essence of Da’wa of Islam itself. Allah SWT selects the best to assure the responsibility of delivering the message of Islam. The prophets and messengers were the best people, selected by Allah to assure such a responsibility. In the time being, we are the inheritors of prophets to continue the work of Da’wa. It is not an easy job as it requires from that person commitment, hard work, continuance and sacrifice. He is at least to be appreciated but only seeking the returns from Allah in the hereafter. This is what we called as Volunteerism in Islam (FiSabilillah).

All volunteers are human being. We have obligation to our family, job and society. Muslim volunteers might not be able to participate and conduct volunteer/charity programs continuously. At the same time, no Da’wa group can afford to employ all the needy people for all its activities, shortage of time among volunteers, field specialization and other reasons. Therefore, there should be a combination by all awaken Muslim all over the world on sharing the responsibility of volunteerism at different times and places. Fully utilize and make used on what we have to bring back Islam into its golden era again.

In his "Last Pilgrimage" the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:

"Oh people, a Muslim is another Muslim's brother and thus all Muslims are brothers among themselves".

On the basis of that, Medical Student Awareness Team (MESAT) from USM has volunteered ourselves to conduct a humanitarian mission to the needy people Moreover; Islam encourages charity, common good, establishing human, moral and social benefit too.

As a conclusion, there is no rest for a Muslim until he meets Allah. One may increase or decrease his services, but he will never stop them all. Volunteerism work was perceived by Islam as a noble work and it is the right way in spreading the message of Islam, left by the prophets. Volunteerism also is the best channel to render our talents, our time, our money and our knowledge for the sake of mankind, irrespective of colour, nationality, ethnic background or religion.

“Help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sinful, iniquitous acts and hostility” (Al-Maidah 5:2)

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